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at all for weeks, but the next morning I felt just as wonderfully well again and when I went to see the doctor and told him the wonderful effect of his heart-strengthening medicine and the tonic, I felt like hugging him I was so delighted. This morning I have felt just as well & I carved for an hour. I didn't want to be foolish and overdo it because I am still pretty weak & carving is always rather hard on my neck and back. But I hope to feel able to do some more work after lunch. On the 22nd of January I got badly burned on my right arm, face and back, so that I had to stay in bed for [[crossed out]] two weeks [[/crossed out]] ten days because I couldn't wear any clothes on my burned area. It was a pretty painful time but even after I was able to get up I felt almost worse because I was so weak and unable to study, see any friends or do much of anything but sit in my room and read and feel most deadly melancholy. You were