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quite right in saying that you couldn't think of me as happy when I was in such a run-down condition. I have written a great deal about my physical condition which isn't a very suitable thing to do but I wanted to try and give you an idea of how I must feel to have at last found a doctor who believes that he can very decidedly help me. He has made no promises but he said that he thought he could improve my condition, which I very much preferred than if he had made violent assurances, which latter me is always inclined to doubt. Of course I don't really expect absolute cure, but this immediate and very decided improvement is certainly encouraging, and I shall be only too glad to follow his instructions in regard to not very violent exercise which even indifferent and unhelpful Dr. Starr said was not good for me.

Now Nancy, please don't relate all these details to anyone, just say, if you want to, that I have evidently struck a diamond mine and am already feeling decidedly better & so grateful as not to be able to express my feelings. You know I am [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a kind