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of person who always wants to do a great deal, consequently when I was obliged to do nothing at all because my health could not be improved, the natural result was a feeling of anger and at times a desire to cry, to which latter I am not frequently given. 

As to my going up to Dublin, I hope to go by the first week in April but I don't know positively as yet. Teresa is in the hospital, now, quite ill; my sister is still not able to go out, and dear old Patrick is dying of cancer of the stomach! He does not know it but he has a cancer & although he is just now a tiny bit better than he was ten days ago, he wouldn't be able to go to Dublin with us. So I haven't the remotest idea who will take care of Scott & whatever horse we rent, (unless we take my sister's horse up there with us) and go riding with me. Our plans are rather unsettled, you see, except that they mean me to go up as early as possible.

I went to see Yalla's pictures yesterday. There are still only five of them sold, & seeing those exquisite flowers made me hungry for some[[?]] to buy them with, but I hadn't it so being hungry did no good. Much love to yourself & to all the dear friends in Dublin, Jean