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Letter from Jean Clemens to Nancy Brush

57 Maple Ave.
Greenwich, Conn.
Jan. 16, '07

Dear Nancy;

I am behind but moving has been quite an undertaking. I got here all tired out just a week ago and the next day I was so ill that Saturday I wasn't in the least aware that a day had passed. It was my first ill day for exactly nine months – to the date ( Jan 10th). I had bitten my tongue and that aroused some very slight suspicions, but I didn't know that I had been ill five times until the evening of the day following the one on which I was ill.

I wish some of you had written me where Mr. Brush was going to stay in New York, as then I could at least have tried to see him, whereas as things are now I haven't the remotest idea of where to reach him.

Greenwich is overflowing with autos, but as Scott got a little lame right after he arrived I have only been out once with him and I don't expect to go today. It began by snowing and has recently turned to rain.

The house the Misses Cowles rented isn't large but it has open fires and is light and cozy and I am sure that as soon as we get fully settles (I am waiting for my writing-desk and andirons, and a lot of their furniture has just come to help out the furniture already in the house), it will be very nice indeed. I have George and   with me and the Cowles have a