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French A.M. Mrs. 85.
Freeland Virginia, M 156.
Farmer E.B. S 239.
Frendenburgh G. Capt. A 209.
Frederick Lewis AC 214. 177.
Feny T.W. Hon. 71.
Farnsworth Capt K 74.
Flagg O.J. 153.
Fletcher H.E. Miss. M 174.
Fuller A.W. Lieut. N 100.
Fitch Mr. S. 286.
Foster A.K. T 168.
Fletcher Sidney V 189.
Fay Patrick U S 190, 209.
Farran Geo K. 96
Fisk Genl A 89.
Flood Martin, L 167.
Fleming Jefferson S 302.
Farnsworth Hon W 74