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Gregory Mrs. 136
Grand L 140. A 216. 162. L 100. 
Gleaves Rufus  G 132.
Grace J. R.  M 145.
Graham G.  R 62.
Green Henry. Cold.  O 16.
Goldberry Fillman T 156. 
Graham Geo W. V 145.
Going Laving. Cold.  V 149.
Goring Henry Cold  V 149.
Green Hannah (Cold)  V 153.
Green Willy (cold)   157.
Gales G. N.  A 205.
Graham J. H. 150.
Genth J. K.  Y 148.  G 155.
Gaines F. Wesley  G 150
Graham Hanner.  L 132.  L 131.
Galloway A. K.  S 381.
Gray B. W.  G 165.
Gresham W. Q.  168.
Green Jonas D.  H 242.
Grove J. B.  D 110.
Gardner Anna Miss.  G 95.  V 211.
Gallagher F. M. Lieut.  G 185.
Garrett Francis  L 144,
Grim Robert  M 168.
Garrett Elenor (cold)  N 172.
Given Mr. Jno. V.  V 169.  V 170.  V 181. 36. 
Gilpin. Chas. Hon.  A 26.
Gunn Geo G.   A 276.
Geisreiter, S.  A 278.
Gavin C. C.  G 187.
Gilfillan James  204
Grant Geo W.  209.
Gray Wm.  210.
Gill and Burnside  K 80
Geddes Anderson Lt.  N 113 

Transcription Notes:
I don't know if the letters above the numbers should have the ^[[]] on them... please let me know if they don't need them. thanks! (The alpha character represents a section of book where something is logged associated with the person's name, i.e., a letter perhaps, the number is the page number of the section so these items are connected, [[?]] not needed, in my opinion) The use of superscript and subscript symbols are no longer used in transcribing these documents, so please remove. Thanks.