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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aug 5th 68. #344. * | Alabama O. L. Shipherd. Genl. 3. Enclo. Aug. 5th Sent by mail to Genl Howard. returned & file. | Montgomery. Aug. 1. '68 Encloses and calls attention to Gen. Meade's order making disposition of troops in Ala., and states that its execution will cause a gloom to settle upon the minds and hearts of every well-disposed citizen of Ala. States that as Genl Meade was anxious to relieve him from duty as Commdg Officer of the State, he forwarded on the 16th ult, an application to Gen. Grant, to be relieved. For the welfare of the Bureau, & of the State, the number of troops should not be diminished or withdrawn from Montgomery. Encloses unofficial copy of his letter to A.A.G. 3rd Mil. Dist. |

| Aug 5th. '68 #345 * | Alabama. Chas A. Miller. Secty of State. | Montgomery Aug 1st. '68. Calls attention to Gen. Meade's order making disposition of People in Ala. States that not a soldier is left a Montgomery, and that the U.S. Treas. might as well be located in Maine as at Huntsville. Central Ala. contains the largest number of Colored people & it would seem proper that the Asst. Comm. should be located at Montgomery. Had the U.S. Forces remained as [[?]], no serious disturbance would have been apprehended. Requests the Comm. to see the Sect'y of War, and the order be so modified as to leave at least a small free stationed at the Capital, &c &c Aug. 5th Forw. by mail to Gen. Howard, Returned & filed. |

| Aug 6th '68 #346 * | Arkansas. C.H. Smith. Genl. file. | Little Rock, Ark. July 31. 68. Reports in compliance with Cir. No. 6., that there are no officers of the V.R.C. or Volunteers on duty in that State. |

| Aug. 6th 68 #344 | Arkansas. C.H. Smith. Genl. | Little Rock. June 6. 68. Forwards letter of George Taylor, Atty, in behalf of Mrs. Eliza B. Nelson, widow of John Nelson making application for rent of Seminary Building belonging to her at Helena for the period during which it has been in the possession of the Bureau, suggesting a rental of $100 per month. Recommends that a rental of $50 pr mo., be paid. Aug. 6th Returned see E.B. 563. Vol. 4. |

| August 10th 1868 #348. * | Arkansas C. H. Smith A.C. 2 Enclosures. Aug 11th statement referred to C.Q.M.| Little Rock Ark. August 3rd 1868. Transmits copy of an "Act of the Legislature" providing for the common school system. States that he thinks advisable to continue to school division of the Bureau until after October next & Encloses Tabular statement showing cost & capacity of buildings |

| Aug 10th 1868 #349. | Arkansas C. H. Smith A.C. Aug. 10th returned to C.Q.M. | Little Rock Ark August 4th 1868. Forwards approved comm'n of Henry Pape D.O. &c recommending the sale of the Bureau property in that State as may be no longer needed. |

| August 10th 68 #350 | Arkansas C.H. Smith A.C. Aug 10th retd with revocations enclosed. | Little Rock Ark August 3rd 68. Recommends revocation of appointments of J A Hanninsly, A L Mitchell, Art Tufts & M J Rosa as clerks to date August 1st 1868. |