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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 20th '68. #225 * | Columbia Dist. of C.H. Howard, Asst. Commr. file. | Washington July 18. '68  Replies to "extracts" from Genl Sewall's report in regard to the reduction of forces & expenses of the Bureau in the Dist. of Columbia. |

| July 23. '68. #226 | Cowles Saml. H July 23d  Referred to A.C. of D.C. | Waterbury Comn. July 21 '68. Wishes to be informed what course to pursue to obtain the services of a cold girl to do housework. |

| July 23d '68  #227 | Columbia Dist of C.H. Howard, Dist. Commr. July 23d Retd to A.C. of D.C. 31. '68 with letters of revocation enclosed as requested. | Washington, July 22. '68.  Requests that the appointments of the following named Agents and clerks be revoked 
A. P. Clark Agt to date July 31. '68 
J. W. Eddy Agent to date July 31. '68 
Miss Harriet Carter Agt to date July 31. '68 
A. A. Lawrence Agent to date Aug 15. '68 
H. L. Smith Agt to date July 31. '68 
T. J. Sullivan Clerk to date Aug 15 68 
C. H. Melcher Agt to date July 31. '68 
Robert Jaggerd Clerk to date Aug 15 68 
R. D. Beckley Agt to date July 31. '68 
D. R. Disbrow Agent to date Aug 15 68 
W. D. Johnson Agt to date July 31. '68 
M. M. Wheelock Clerk to date Aug 15 68 
John H. Carr Agt to date July 31. '68 
Jerome A. Johnson Agent to date Aug 15 68 | 

| July 25th '68 #328. | Columbia Dist. of C.H. Howard. Asst. Commr. July 25th Referred to C.Q.M. approved by direction of the Sec. of War. The buildings will be sold in the usual manner. | Washington July 24 '68.  Forwards letter of Dr I. McIlvain, enclosing duplicate list of Stores pertaining to the Bureau at Freedmen's Vill'e which are no longer required for use - requests authority to sell the same on the 30th inst. |

| July 27, '68. #229 | Columbia Dist of C.H. Howard, Asst. Commr. To Mr. Alvord. | Washington July 27 '68  Forwards School Report for June 1868. |

| July 27, '68 #230 | Colton Wm Edge Hill P.O. 1 Enclo July 27th Retd. to Mr. Colton. see E.B. 548. Vol. 4. | King George Co., Va. July 22, '68.  Encloses letter of A. Commr. of Va. in reply to his application for compensation for services as a member of the Freedmen's Court in 1865. Is not satisfied with the decision, and again presents the facts in the case and begs to favorable consideration. States that he has received but $13.50 for 42 or 43 days services. Suggests that the papers be sent to Capt. McClelland, Agent at King Georg's C.H., and requests an answer. |

| July 28th '68 #231 | Columbia Dist of C.H. Howard, Asst. Commr. July 28th Returned with appointments enclosed as requested. | Washington July 27, '68. 
 Requests that the following changes be made in his Dist. viz: 
Luther E. Sleigh from Clerk to Agt @ $125. pr. mo. to date July 20, '68.
Miss F.E. Hall, temp. Agt for one month @ $70. to date July 1st '68.
R.D. Beckley, reinstated as Agt. at $70 per mo. to date from Aug. 1st '68. |

| July 28, '68 #232. | Columbia Dist of C.H. Howard. Asst. Commr. see C.54. Vol. 12 68. 7 Enclo. July 28th Referred to C.D.O. to know if there is any legal way of paying these demands. Nothing is "justly due". July 29 Recd bk and Retd. see E.B. 581. Vol. 4. 68. | Washington, July 25th '68.  Forwards letters of Bvt. Majors S. Eldridge and S.N. Clark stating "that their appointments as Agents of this Bureau date Feby 1st 68. Their muster out of service dates Jany 1st 68. That during the month of Jany '68 they were retained as officers, and under Cir. of the Commissioner were paid at the rate of $150. per month, with understanding that the law continuing the Bureau would operated retrospectively as regards pay, they would on its passage receive the balance due amtg to nearly $90 each (being pay and allowance as 1st Lieut of Infty with commt'n of fuel and quarters). It being decided that the law extending the Bureau cannot be construed to authorize back payments, request that a further payment of $35. each be made on a/c of salary for Jany. '68." Calls att'n to end't of the Commr. of Feb. 7th on similar comm. enclosed, and recommends that the $35, claimed, be paid as wages justly due. (C.54. Vol 12 enclosed herewith) |