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[[3 columned table]]
| Received. | Name  of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 29th, '68. #233 * | Columbia. Dist. of C.H. Howard, Asst. Comm. May. B. reassigned Aug 1st. 68. File. July 31st ret'd to know if Dr. Reyburn was an officer of Vols. when mustered out of service. Aug 1st Rec'd bk. was mustered out as Asst. Surg. U.S.A. | Washington July 28th. '68. Forwards the names of Bvt. Lt. Col. Robt. Rayburn late Maj. and Surg. U.S.V., and Bvt. Maj. J.M. Brown late Capt., A.Q.M. U.S.V. for re-assignment under provisions of Cir. No. 6., C.S. |

| Aug 1st. 68 #234. | Columbia. Dist. of Stuart Eldridge, for Asst. Comm. Aug 1st Returned with appointment enclosed as requested. | Washington July 31. '68. Requests that Miss C.W. Towne be appt'd Agent at $50 per month to date July 1. '68, to be employed as Matron of Industrial School and Home at Cambridge, Mass. |

| July 25. '68 #235 * | Columbia Dist. of C.H. Howard. Asst. Comm. 1 Enclo. file | Encloses estimate of material request to furnish sick and dependent freedmen, the present season. Requests to be ordered to Boston to accompany a party of freedmen, who are engaged to work in a State quarry. |

| Aug 1. 68 #236. | Clark Wm. F. Actg. Sec. Off. Treas. Dept. Aug 3rd. '68 Rec'd, on examination it appears that the application was referred to the Q.M. Gen'l July 11. '68. No report has been received. | Washington July 31. 68. Requests to be informed what action has been taken on the application of sundry citizens of Ft. Augustine for the use of a small parcel of land belonging to the U.S. known as the "Dragon lot" or "Spanish Cavy lot." |

| Aug 3 '68 #237. | Columbia Dist. of Stuart Eldridge Actg Asst. Comr. Aug 3. Referred to A.C. of Va. for investgtn & recommendation. Sept 10th Recd back with report. EBp 44. Vol 5. Oct 19th Recd back with report EBp 44. Vol 5. | Washington Aug 3. '68. Forwards letter of J.R. Johnson, reporting that a col'd man named Lee who fled from Texas to avoid prosecution desires to know if the Govt. will furnish transportation for his family from Texas to Va., where he intends to locate. |

| Aug 3 '68 #238. * | Columbia Dist of C.H. Howard, A. Commr file. | Washington July 27 '68. States that he has this day discharged Dr. G.H. Wheeler and C.B. Parris to date August 31. 68. with leave of absence from Aug 1st prox. Is of opinion that Dr Parris should not be retained under his jurisdiction | Aug 3 '68 #237. |

| Aug 3 '68 #239. * | Carels. Jos. S. file. | Nashville Tenn. July 30. '68. Encloses copy of a resolution adopted at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of Central Tenn.  M.E. College |

| Aug 3 '68 #240 * | Carroll P.P see P.L.B. Aug 3. '68. file. | Washington. Aug 3 '68. Applies for employment in this Bureau. |
| Aug 6. 68. #241 | Columbia Dist of Stuart Eldridge A. Asst. Comm. 1 Enclo. Aug 6th '68 Referred to C.Q.M. for execution. | Washington. Aug 6 '68.  Requests 300 copies of the enclosed blank form be printed for use in his office. |