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[[3 columned table]]
|When Received. | Name of Writer . | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Aug 24th, 1868. #260 * | Columbia Dist C. H. Howard. A. C. Aug 26th Returned with letter of revocation enclosed as requested.| Washington Aug 2nd of 1868. Recommends that the appointment of C. H. Perkins be revoked to date Aug. 24th. 1868. |
| Aug 24th 1868 #261. | Cogswell M. 3 enclo. Aug 24th Referred to A.C. of State for remarks. Sept. 3rd Rec'd back with report. | Charleston S.C. Aug 20th 1868. Encloses request of Mrs. Sollie and Miss Dawson teachers in the Franklin St. Mission School for resistance in obtaining the balance of pay due them, |

| Aug 25th. 1868, #262, | Columbia District C.H. Howard. A.C. 1 enclo Aug 25th Referred to C. Q.M. for execution. |

| Aug 25th 1868. #263 | Columbia Dist. C.H. Howard. A.C. 1 enclo. C.D.C. | Washington Aug 25th. 1868. Encloses estimate of rations required for issue to dependent freed people in D.C. during the month of Sept. 1868. |

| Aug 25th. 1868. #264. | Columbia Dist. C.H. Howard. A.C. Aug 29th Returned with letters of revocation enclosed as requested. Washington Aug 28th 1868.
Requests that the appointments of Mrs. J.S. Griffing & Miss J. E. Griffing, Agents be revoked to date Aug 31st 1868. |
| Aug 27th. 1868. #265 | Columbia Dist. C.H. Howard. A.C To Mr. Alvord | Washington Aug 17th 1868. Submits school report for the month of July 1868. |

| Aug 27th. 1868. #266. | Columbia Dist. C.H. Howard. A.C August 29th Ret'd with letter's of revocation enclosed as requested | Washington Aug 28th 1868. Recommends that the appointments of Capt. J.C. Brubaker be revoked to date Sept 30th 1868. and Edward Hennessey clerk to date Aug 31dt 1868. their services being no longer required. |

| Aug 28th. 1868. #267. * | Columbia Dist. C.H. Howard. A.C file. See S.O. 109. par 2. | Washington Aug 28th 1868. Requests an order to proceed to Baltimore Emmettsburg & Fredericks, Md. on public business. | 

| Aug 31st 1868. #268. * | Cain Thos W. and Joshua Aldridge. file. Official copy of P.L. of date Aug 24th sent Mr. Cain | Petersburg Va Aug 29th. 1868. Requests transportation from Petersburg Va to Oxford Pa. |

| Sept 7th. 1868. #269 | Columbia Dist. C.H. Howard. A.C 1 enclo Sept 7th Referred to C.Q.M. for execution | Washington Sept 7th 1868. Requests that the accompanying paper be printed as per form enclosed. |