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Biographical Data Concerning Anna Coleman Ladd, (Mrs. Maynard Ladd), from Volume 16, "Who's Who in America", 1930/31.

LADD, Anna Coleman (Mrs. Maynard Ladd), sculppor, author;
b. Phila., July 15, 1878; d. John S. and Mary (Peace) Watts; Mme. Yeatmann's Sch., and pvt. teachers, Paris and Rome, under Profs. Ferrari and Gallori; Charles Grafly, in America; hon. A.M., Tufts Coll., Mass., 1923; m. Maynard Ladd (M.D.) of Boston, June 26, 1905; children - Gabriella, May, Vernon Abbott. Exhibited Rome, Paris Salon, Nat. Sculpture Soc., Nat. Acade Design, Art. Inst. Chicago, Art Ins. Boston, etc. First spl. exhbn. 40 brenzes, Gorham's, New York, Jan. 1913; 2nd, Corcoran, Washington; 3d, Garden, Boston; Palazzo Borghese, Rome; Boston Art Mus.; Studebaker Memorial, South Bend, Ind.; Aldrich Memorial, Grand Rapids; portraits of Duse, Pavlowa, Ethel Barrymore, Raquel Meller. Hon. mention. Panama P.I. Expn.,1915.
Founded in Paris, 1918. Am. Red Cross Studio for Portrait-Masks for Mutilated Soldiers, and served there 1 yr. during war. Mem. Nat. Sculpture Soc., Guild of Boston Artists, Grand Central Art Assn., Cosmopolitan Club. Advisor in sculpture to Nat. Federation Women's Clubs. Author: (novels) Hyeronymus Rides, 1912; The Candid Adventure, 1912. Address: 270 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass.; (summer) Beverly Farms, Mass.

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The background image says CONSULAR SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF STATE (Cut off)