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To be held in reserve by Mr. F.H. Taylor, by request of the sculptor A.C. Ladd.
Uncorrected copy - (uncorrected)


Name   Anna Coleman Ladd
Male   Female X    Age 55½.
Address   270 Clarendon Street, Boston
Telephone   Kenmore 0729.

Are you an American Citizen? 
Yes. Family came in 1760 to Penn.a [[Pennsylvania]]

Graduate of recognized art school?
No. Worked alone in my Paris, Roman New York and Beverly Farms workshop; with criticisms from foremost sculptors.

Name school and year
Studied for several months with Bela Batt at Art Mus. School; & with Charles Grafly in his Lanesville studio there.

Other training: 
Brought up in Paris and studied drawing and modelling there.
Then, in Rome for twelve years, N.Y. 4 years; & Mass. 

a. Name of teacher 
Profs. Ferrari & Gallori- Rome; criticism by Rodin in Paris, etc. Pratt and Grafly in Mass.

b. Years of experience
33. Steady work, drawing, painting, modelling, carving since 1900

c. Travel or study
Spent 25 years working in Europe and New York; and working in my own studio, with criticisms from Rodin, Grafly, Gallori, etc; 4 years' study in N.Y.

d. Where exhibited
Paris Salon. Rome Academy. Pa Academy. N.A.D.N.Y.C group of bronzes invited to Pan. Pac. Exp. Corcoran Washington. Gorham, Macbeth, Friargil, E.56th St Galleries, N.Y. Arts League, Vose Galleries and Boston Art Museums, Germanic Museum, Harvard, Copley & Art Club Guild, etc.

e. Work in what public or private collections?

Borghese and Farnese Palaces, Rome. Émile Mâle Coll. Paris. R.I. School of Design; Fenway Court Museum. Boston Public Garden. Edw. Devotion School Brookline War Memorial, also in Manchester, Beverly Farms & Hamilton, Mass. Studebaker Memorial Chapel S. Bend, Russell Mark Order, Lawrence.


Polychrome reliefs in plaster for public schools, post offices, etc. (Prev. done in marble, bronze or terracotta.

I. Decoration of Public Buildings 

1. State what experience you have had in mural painting. Give references.

Have developed in last two years special way of colouring marble & plaster busts and reliefs,- as great masters did in Spain, France, Italy and Greece

I. 2. State what experience you have had in architectural sculpture. Give references.

3 gothic Saintly Queens approved by R.A. Gram for 6' niches in N. Transept S. John Divine, N.Y.
Bronze fountain figures for [[?]] Kilham & Hopkins, Arthur Shurcliff, etc.

II. Portraits in any medium

Name five references in connection with portraits painted or carved

(1) Raquel Meller, Palace Theater, Paris, for two marbles bought in 1928
(2) Portrait of a Lady, bronze in Fenway Court Museum
(3) Emile Mâle, for a bronze head of his daughter, Palazzo Farnese, Rome.
(4) Mrs. Rumsey Morins for two marble busts, Buffalo, N.Y. 
(5) Rev. Barrett Tyler, Garrison, N.Y. for 2 bronze portraits in 1931.

III. Easel Pictures, Decorative Sculpture

Bronze panel *Night and Day for music room: Mrs Margery Durant, Westbury, L.I. - Ed. Dwishon School, Brookline

State experience. 

25 years working in Rome, Paris, N.Y. and Mass. 60 lectures given by me on Art in Europe & U.S.
Special training in history and Gothic architecture : study to develop this decoratively along modern lines. Year working among wounded in war. zone, 1918, on portrait. masks, modelled and coloured. Work on war memorials and for churches and libraries.

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