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Cast for Vivi -------------------- 1.50
Comb ----------------------------- 0.60
Tea & [[Hoov?]][[with?]] [?] ----- 1.20
+Photos of St Francis, etc ----- 3.00
+Brass spray,[rinse?]] ----- 8.40
+iron armature ------ 8.00
+"Scopas & Praxiteles" -------- 3.75
+Wood for studio ----------------- 5.00
+4. "Slaves" erange [[?]] -------- 100.00
+ 2 [["coffee"?]] ----------------  80.00
Two [[tire?]] ([[Auntie's, NB?]])----------   4.00
[[total]] ------------------------ 215.45
Coal -----------------------------   6.50
flowers --------------------------   6.00
tickets anzio -------------------   7.70
hotel anzio --------------------------  47.00
cabs -----------------------------   3.00
gabriella ------------------------ 100.00
Deposit "[[Cleveland?]]" ------------- 187.50
[[total]] ------------------------ 574.10
Pensione ----------------------  50.00
Stii fa --------------------------  30.00
wood -----------------------------   6.00
models ----------------------------  15.00
2 lunches & cabs -----------------  10.00
[[German?]] mends (4) ------------------   8.00   
coal (studio) --------------------   9.00[[?]]
cab to [[de?]] [[troop?]] ([?])---   7.00
[[bloom?]] of flowers ------------   9.00
models 2 weeks --------------------  36.00
[[tea?]] and cabs ----------------   5.00
bronze [[Recockus?]] --------  55.00
[[Bersaflinmoket?]] for Gi --------------------  38.00
antiquities --------------------  22.00
[[curvature?]] for mould --------------------- 180.00
[[?]] for Satta -------------------------- 125.00
Albanezi for bronze ----------------- 570.00
[[Tailored?]] gown --------------- 135.00
[[Satta?]] marble --------------------- 250.00

2800. [[?]]
1000. for Phillip [[?]]
500f. for Orda cast
50f. Aunty Sue
2530f. [[?]] bank
Feb.11 [[overs?]] ------- 100.
Feb.21 [[overs?]] -------- 500.
(church) Feb 21  [[overs?]] ----- 100.
March 3. ------- 200.
March 13 [[?]] ------- 200.
March 21 --------------- 400.
March 27 -------------400

1911 February
Sunday 12
Warmer. Sun.
Lincoln's Birthday
To see aunty Sue, who was ill. 3
Take Miss Seward to tea with Angelo del Nero, 4
Tea with Duchesse de Arlos. 5
[[strikethrough]] Marchesa DiViti & musicali - 10. p.m. [[/strikethrough]]

Monday 13
To see bronze casting at Angelo del Nero's - N.B. + Guido
Work on [[civ?]].

Tuesday 14
Work 9 - 1. Robe on St. Francis
In bed with grippe

Wednes. 15
[[strikethrough]] Bernadetto 9-11 [[/strikethrough]] N.B. 11-12
[[strikethrough]] Francesco Topi detto il mazio 2-5.30 [[/strikethrough]]
Katia d'Orda comes up to my room.
[[strikethrough]] Dine with Mme de Tevadoroska, N.B.7.15 [[/strikethrough]]
Sewards came in, to say goodbye, frowns.

Thurs. 16
Beautiful, cold
N.B. at 11 Read d'annunzio and R.Rolland.

Friday 17
Lunch with Pam Steres
Dr. Gallanger comes
 & n. B.

Saturday 18
Grey, changeable

With N.B to Porto d'Anzio, Hotel
Victoria. Lying down, but out
& in the [[?]]
Flame - Red blanket no sighting
Yellow office of N.B.