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1911 April

Sunday 23  Lovely.
Gi gets merlo-tordo, & 1 model [[?]] in bed.
Refer races with Mr. Meland + Gi. In bed till 4
Mia's 4:30. Go to Salone Margherita.
Mariettina Gallenga to Olivier & Villa Medici-

Monday 24 - Lovely. Rain
get great case off - with St. F. marble, etc. Consulate.
N.B. poses at Graci - Mariettina do. 3.30 - 6
Alfred waves my hair.
Dine & Augustea box with Mesa de' Viti. 7.45 Gi
Miss Peabody, Osborne, Vuschogle, (Nina & Borghesse) Hungarians

Tuesday 25 Glorious.
A happy day. Breakfast at Villa Borghese with Aileen Osborne, 18 and tall and stately like Mrs. Abbott! - Gi comes. 
N. B poses 11. Donna Ina Borghese comes up to my room and stays till 12.  Cross, but amused.
Studio 3-6.  Mariettina poses.
Nina takes me in motor to Villa Calimontana - 6-7:30
Nightingale - rose di Maggio. Gi, evening.

Wednes. 26  Lovely. Hot
N.B. 9-11 in my room, poses. A. Zanelli [[Lou?]] Gi - 12.
Marietta poses, 5-6:30. Bank - Travelling Code, American Express Co. 1907.
Mariettina Sallenga comes to studio & walks 
back with me until 7:30. Moritz Starnas, artist, comes 6 (girls cast.)

Thursday 27  Cloudy, hot
Work on [[crossed out]] bas relief [[/crossed out]] Slaves. 9-
In bed.  Go to Marrionata with Albanesi for  [[crossed out]] to Frascati [[/crossed out]] vitro. In bed.  N.B comes 6.

Friday 28 Cloudy, sunny
[[crossed out]] From Frascati [[/crossed out]] Go to Am. Consul, Cook's, etc, to bed.
Work on Slaves & bas relief-
Marietta poses 5 - 6:30. Zanelli 6.

Saturday 29
Am. SC. Exhib. Ill.
Donna Ina Borghese comes to studio & takes me back in motor.
Work on bas relief - cup and garland 3-7.
Trunks go off at 6. To Bess Arggelet.
Opera?  11 - La Falce. Kruseiniski.  Maria & Gi.