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1911 April 

Sunday 30
Work in studio - [[?]]  [[Erzzeler?]] comes - 
Sala photographs group. 4 - Castel  Sant'Angelo with Gi. angelo [[?]] [[maro?]] - 
To Palazzo Brancaccio with Gi - [[addio?]] to de Arco

May Monday 1
Work on lost wax of girls & St. Francis

Tuesday 2 X Rome to Florence Rainy.
Studio 9 - 1 - Gi - Mariettina [[Farm in [[?]] [[load?]].
[[Maria?]] comes to me, drive to Trevi. [[Tra?]] with K. d'O.
also order bronze "Slave" (200L.)
Station 6. Mariettina, Gi, [[del nero Cf?]] Balzani.
With N.B. arrive in Florence, Palace Hotel, midnight.

Wednes. 3 grey, cold.
[[To Rec yoi?]] Buckley - 10 - 11, + 3-4 -(Leaving)
With N.B. to Palazzo Vecchio - Ritratto [[erph?]]
Tea at [[Donney's?]]. S. Giovanni & Or Sam Michele
A room all flame-colour - flowers from [[Mountiaglia?]]

Thurs. 4 grey, cold
Uffizzi - N.B & his [[?]].,
Creightons to tea at Donneys-
6. To [[Moutughi?]] [[?]] Fabbri es [[?]]?
Dine with Cuthbert & Mary Creighton & N.B, Cellos,
monsigur on signoria.

Friday 5 Lovely Cloudy
Ste Maria Novella - Cloisters with old man [[?]] & N.B. Drive in [[?]] nightingales. 
Annunziata Cloister till dusk. 
Saturday 6 

Express to Paris with G. through [[?]] 7. 
3 hrs at Rapallo with Willie Church -
Take [[?]] express to Paris.