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1911 July

Sunday 9 Hot.
Work Kaney, solitude panel, 8.30-12.30. Bathe. [[?]]
To gloucester [[?]] motor, Mrs. [[Laughlain?]],
To [[Sleeper's?]], [[Andessnos'?]], Miss [[Sinkler]] Mrs. [[MacIver?]], Miss [[Sinton-Schmidt?]]. That. [[?]]

Monday 10 torrid
Work, Oliver - 9-12, Bathe.
Begin Sun-god sketch 2 hrs. to show Mrs. Fi 5. 
[[Ned?]] Holmes comes when I am asleep in hammock
[[Miranda?]] at night, to see it

Tuesday 11 very hot.
Work Gabriella, 9-11 Mrs. M. poses in studio.[[strikethrough]]and Diana.[[/strikethrough]]. Bathe. with Merrills.
[[grafly?]] comes to lunch & criticize.
[[strikethrough]]Oliver 2-6 at [[/strikethrough]] Mrs. [[Fi5?]] gives order for Sun! [[fool?]]; 4 for $200, which I refuse because Grafly advises [[jet?]] of water only in fountain.

Wednes. 12 Hot.
[[strikethrough]] Bathe with Merrills. [[/strikethrough]]
Begin Solitude in Desert, with Oliver. 
Dine with Harold Masons. 7.30, & Bathe by moonlight with Herman Roelvink.

Thurs. 13 cooler
Work with Oliver 9-12. Bathe.
[[strikethrough]][[Raja?]]+[[?]] to lunch.[[/strikethrough]]
[[?]] to gloucester.
See Leila [[?]], and Oive with Aunts or Hawthorne/[[?]]

Friday 14 gray cool
Work O. 9-11
Miss [[Suikler?]], Ms. [[Eskley?]] [[?]] to studio & Amory Elliotts. 8.
[[strikethrough]] Dorothea comes.[[/strikethrough]]

Saturday 15
33rd Birthday.