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1911 July 

Sunday 16
[[strikethrough]] Set into get [[Mrs. Seton Selkind?]] in motor at Gloucester to lunch. [[/strikethrough]] (Mamma staying with me, Papa at Masconomo.)

Monday 17
Mis Grew orders figure for fountain.

Tuesday 18
[[strikethrough]] [[?]] comes to lunch & studio; advises jet in pool instead of Sun-god. I refuse Mrs. F[[?]]'s order. [[/strikethrough]]

Wednes. 19
[[strikethrough]] Mrs Grew? orders "Sun-god". Mrs. F. [[is?]] distressed at it, I promise to make another sketch. [[/strikethrough]]

Thurs. 20
Dorothea comes for two weeks. Mamma also here and Pauline. 
Merrill from Newport (M. away.) Olga.

Friday 21
Mrs. [[?]] 10. [[?]] 
Pauline goes motoring with D. & [[?]], 
project "Water Sprites"; leaves at 3.

Saturday 22
Make "Water Sprites" sketch 6.30 to 10
take it to [[?]], who orders it.
[[?]] four hours.