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1911 October

Sunday 29 N.Y.
Gabriella 8-10  }
Fisher   10- 1. } 5 hrs. studio.
Ferris Greenslets to lunch, 1,30—
To Mrs. John Gray's to tea, Cambridge. Arthur Littles.
To N.Y. midnight with Mrs. Beal.

Monday 30 N.Y.
Breakfast Belmont, 7.30 - to Roman Bronze Works Brooklyn with ESB. Shady's monument; lost wax & lunch there; singing Neapolitan.
Tea at Maillard's & Macbeth's with ESB. Dine (& spend night with Alice Mauran. With her & ESB to see "Beauty pulls the Strings". 

Tuesday 31 N.Y.
Meet ESB at Public Library, & to Tonetti's studio. Lunch at Ch. Pellews' - Anna - Miss Townsend, Miss Jennings - to Metropolitan Museum for bronzes & Fanagras.
Dine with Randall-McIvers [[MacIvers]] & to see illum. fleet. 
Night with Alice Mauran.

Nov. Wednes. 1 N.Y.
Tired out. 
To Gutzon Borglum's studio (away) meet Helen Keyes there & lunch at Women's Exchange, A. Mauran & Eirene Ladd. - 3. With Mrs. Mason Davidge (Clara Potter) to McDougall Alley - Fraser, Cameron, & Frances Grimes' studios. Limited to Boston, 5.

Thurs. 2
Make armature of Sun-god - 9-12.

Friday 3
Put up Sun-god in plastiline - 5 hrs.
To Bessie at Oakwood. (C'tess Hoyos.)

Saturday 4
gab. 9-11-12.
Dorothy Caldwell & Belle Lothrop come 4 - back in motor to Cambridge.