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1911  November 

Sunday 19 Day at Hamilton - motor with ESB. Cold.
Write to Mrs. Langhlin, said his ,"Amerika", 21st..
Lunch with Warren Merrills - tea at My ofice.
Dinner - Ayers, Matt Bartletts. Back with 
Mr. Cogswell at 10-11- Rice thrown? - 

Monday 20 Very blue. W.S. 

Tuesday 21 Send W.S. corrictn proofs of to London,for book. Rev'd Sat.  
Miss Seaton Schmidt comes;
& Mr Andrews, (Sr.) Chases, Gert. Cramer & Miss Mia Barnham, Mrs de' Meli.

Wednes. 22 Water Sprites.
Design book cover.
Tea with K-T-A

Thurs. 23 Fisher pass for Dicrome on horseback.
All day work on it 7.30 to 5 show it
Wm Aldrich's office & correct. 

Friday 24 Water-Sprites - Fisher falls up against Rose-Romsdeller.
To hear Mrs. H. Hammond & Wylie at Tribries on Social Service
Showbook-cover design to KTA, ESIS_ & Templeman  Coolidge.  
--> off London. Very restless- # 

Saturday 25 Mr. Clifton Sturgis, Jr.  Dorothie (till Monday) 12.30
Y.H football game-
Ben Hur 

Transcription Notes:
This page is a diary in calendar format. I completed it after reading instructions, but then saw the Advanced Instructions re: tables and columned data. I have added a table transcription at the top of this form; and retained my original format with the same content below the new attempt. table format unnecessary no need to keep previous transcriptions - JP 7/15/22