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New York. January 20 to 27, 1912.

Alice Mauran.
(glorious weather)
9 Livingstone Place, Stuyvesant Square
Pink sunrises, strong sunsets, 
olive and orange dusks.

Arrive 3p.m. - R. Macbeth about sold bronzes.
—Alfred Stieglitz at Photo-Succession 291 V. 4-6
—onset thru Christian Brinton the critic.
—Mrs. Davidge, 20 V. ten. - A.E. Mauran.

-Sarah Potter
Time with A & M
-(Mrs Tucker)
-(Mrs Barney)

Rest - Lunch, Anna Hyatt, sc. 126 E. 80th. & little niece. See her belly horses (8, character)
- To Metrop. Museum. - Tea, Anna Peltrow, III E 78th
- Tea bergamot [[?]] Derby (Mrs Sam Tucker, Miss Tucker and Mrs Mead)
- To Mrs Chas. Barney - [[15 years?]]
- To Miss Forth for J. Sanddus address, [[J. ?]]

Roman Bronze Works, Brooklyn 10-12. Chisel "Water-Sprites", & dancing-girls for Macbeth
- Lunch, Mrs. Wm [[strikethrough]] [[May?]] [[/strikethrough]] Church a Osborn, 40 E 36th - with Aileen Osborn to her studio. - With Anna Hyatt in a motor to Ch. [[Keck, se's?]] studio - stride down V in green bus on top from Park - at sunset
- Dinner & theatre "Sumurun" (Max Reinhardt)
with Annie R. Triner, Miss Bohm & Miss - 

warm, straw hats!
—To Bronx, with Annie R. Miss Bow, AV Hyatt, & Anna Pallow, to see Pythons. AVH works Mr. Homaday, who sends Mr. Soreider to stir them up, feeds & gives me King Snakes to hold.
—Lunch with Helen Keyes at Park Ave, Hot.
—To studio to meet Gutzon & Solon Borglum, sc [[j?]].
—To Macbeth's, meet Dr Lyman Abbott.
—To Knoedler's Old Masters, met Anna Bolling.

Transcription Notes:
Please help resolve [[?]]s before submitting for review. Thanks! - Emily, TC staff Livingstone Place is actually spelled "Livingston" but Anna added the "e" in her diary. It is next to Stuyvesant Sq., Brooklyn Heights.- klroueche