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any pretense to objective validity. Such rich raw material, selectively presented, will convey the true sense and scale of the previous more objective, interpretation of background factors. 

The third aspect of the material is to be again a relatively objective interpretation of the qualities, values and ideas suggested by the new artistic idioms. Instances are the new space concept expressed by painters and sculptors, and the search for new symbols, the struggle to break through the isolation of personal symbols, to find a common symbolic world, new modes of visual ordering, and the emphasis of the dynamic sequence order versus the architectonic static order. The confluence of the artistic ideals of East and West would constitute another possible aspect. Still another is the examination of common ground between aspects of twentieth-century scientific method, and some of the recent idioms in artistic forms. 

Despite these guide posts, I feel strongly that the actual content of the issue must grow out of the ideas of the contributors - that is, the issue cannot be cast in a preconceived editorial mold. Still, the tentative outline of topics and contributors will give the necessary stimulation for deviations from the preconceived pattern.