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the urge to paint such subjects, [should I not respond also.]

Stemming from this group of pictures was a small collection of imaginative compositions dealing with the human figure and expressing emotional moods. The sort of thing I later came to associate, by preference, with literature rather than the visual medium of painting.

Fortunately this phase was terminated by [the opportunity of] a trip abroad in 1909.
We disembarked at Naples and [[strikethrough]] we [[/strikethrough]] were to have the opportunity of a rapid survey of several of the larger cities of Italy before going on to Paris. Seeing the works of the great Italian masters gave us our first clue to design in its larger sense. [[note]] were you conscious then of this, - and in what terms? Gradual? A struggle? A sunburst? [[/note]] [It was apparent] in the works of Giotto, Masaccio, Piero della Francesca.