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It was too rich and vast to be comprehended in a short visit and much of one's own accummulation must first be disposed of before arriving at the point of being receptive. But this much was evident, in spite of bewilderment, that something profound was in the making.

After leaving Paris there was another opportunity to visit the National Gallery in London. With the revelations of Italy and Paris still vivid with us it seemed a different gallery and the same pictures spoke a different language then on [[strikethrough]] that of [[/strikethrough]] our previous visit [[strikethrough]] acquaintance [/strikethrough]]. [[note]] A touch or two further showing what eye-openers the French things were even if you didn't understand them? [[/note]]

Home again, and with it discontent and an unwillingness to resume where one had left off before that voyage of such great portent. An indelible line had been drawn between the past and the future and we were pointed in a new direction with an entirely new concept of a picture. Several years of discarding and replacement must follow before pictures could break through that bore a new countenance and gave some little evidence of a new understanding. [[note]] join next ΒΆ with this. [[/note]]