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Judy Chicago, 110 West E St., Benecia, California

September 21, 1981

Dear Judy,

All is going well with The Woman's Building fundraising event planned for October 29.  I'm so excited that it's finally happening since it's been about 1 1/2 years since you first offered to do something to help the Woman's Building.  The proceeds from this event will really help us to move into the future with our new studio rental program and the Womens Graphic Center and L.A. Komen's Video Center functioning as businesses.  As you know from my postcard and phone messages I am the Coordinator of this even -- the second annual Woman's Building Celebration featuring you.  It will take place at the Grinstein's from 7 to 10 pm on Thursday, October 29.  Tickets are $50 and we are also soliciting $500 sponsors.  Katie is sending me the A and B lists from "The Dinner Party."  Is there anyone else that would not be on those lists that I should invite or ask to be sponsors?

There will be a wine and cheese reception preceding your talk which should probably last about 1/2 hour.  Were you planning to show slides?  I t would be possible to do so but might be better not to since the space is so limited and I hope that we will get a good crowd.  I'll call you about these two things -- other namesand your talk.  Please do plan to be there from 7 to 10 so that people can meet you informally.

I'll be sending you about 20 invitations as soon as they're printed.  I hope you like them.  They say in big letters across the front, "Judy's back in town."  Also Lily Tomlin is lending her name for the invitation and will try to be there.  We'll have women valet service and The Waitresses will be serving refreshments for the caterers.  It should be a very nice evening. 

I'll speak with you soon by phone.  Let me know then if there is anything else you need.  I look forward to Oct. 29.  Thanks again for your support of the Woman's building.

Cheri Gaulke
Celebration Coordinator
4516 1/2 Griffin Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90031 213 225-4868