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To:  Woman's Building Board Members
From:  Cheri Gaulke, Coordinator of the 2nd Annual Woman's Building Celebration

This is a little reminder that I need to know the names of your sponsors (or your name if you prefer to sell 10 tickets) by Wed., Sept. 23 so they can be included on the invitation.  I'm very excited about this year's fundraiser.  I've targeted a net profit of $15,000 which means 200 tickets at $50 and 20 sponsors at $500 ($20,000 gross less expenses).  I need all of your help to make that a reality!  As you collect donations keep track of your people so that they can be credited to you.  Checks should be made payable to The Woman's Building.  There are no tickets--only a paid and unpaid reservations list at the door.

As you already know the celebration is taking place at the home of Stanley and Elyse Grinstein (key art collectors in the LA art community who just raised $600,000 for the new Museum of Modern Art!).  Judy Chicago will be talking about her recent work since "The Dinner Party," Lily Tomlin is lending her name for the invitation and may be able to come, The (women) Valettes will be parking cars, and "The Waitresses" will be assisting the caterers.  It should be a lovely evening.

Again it takes place Thursday, October 29 from 7 to 10 pm at 441 N. Rockingham in Brentwood.  I'll send you each 20 invitations (let me know if you need more) by Sept. 30.  If any of you have access to mailing lists that would be good please let me know as soon as possible so I can estimate how many invites to print.  Also I'd be happy to have my volunteer crew send them out if you mail me the lists.  So far I have about 800 WB members, 700 Judy Chicago supporters, and a few other misc. lists for mailing of approximately 2,000.  Call me if I need to make it larger.

Thanks for your support of the Woman's Building and of me in coordinating this year's celebration.

Cheri Gaulke, 4516 1/2 Griffin AVe., L.A., CA 
90031 225-4868

P.S. I thought you would be interested in looking over the budget so it is enclosed.