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years ago when I was growing up, it said women didn't need to have orgasms. Only men had to have orgasms. What that means is... What that means is is that it's men's needs that are important. Then the next stage was "Ok. Well, women need to have orgasms, but they have to have orgasms simultaneous with men." which means that a woman's needs have to be exactly the same as a man's needs. She's still not an independent creature with her own sexual needs even though we know, for example, that women are multi-orgasmic, that their rate of sexuality is very different from men; but this wasn't even established as scientific fact until two years ago with the printing of the Masters and Johnson book. Before that Freudians were still talking about some weird transference from your clitoris to your vagina. I mean, that's serious--and even now, even now there's an assumption that goes through the entire society, that ejaculation for the male is out of his control. What that means is men are not brought up with the idea that it is their responsibility to stick their hard cock out there for women, for their needs; because their needs aren't important. It pervades our whole way of seeing. O.K.? 

How does that affect me? Well--if I'm not important, and my feelings aren't important, then how can the art that I make be important? If it is only important to write about war, and not important to write about child birth, then how can I write about my experience in life? If it is important to have a hard-on, and not important to have a contracting cunt, how can I deal with the experience of my life, and how can anybody perceive it? So that means that half my work goes by unseen. It isn't real, a man looks at my work end he has no criteria for evaluating female experience, none; he has only the history of art, which is the history of the white male ego; and he measures my work by how it projects the image of the white male ego. Now, if I'm being true to myself, it's not going to do very well is it? So [[blank space]] then my choice is to make art that looks like it was made by a man; that's a compliment you know. That's fantastic! you're supposed--everybody's supposed to make art that looks like it was made by a white man. If you're black you're supposed to. Not supposed to show that you're are black in your work, that's a no-no. It's not supposed to show that you're a woman in your work either. That means I have to