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we have to stop doing all the things that we've been doing. And that's what the revolution is all about. It's changing the entire path of human beings, because we are going towards destruction, and it's time we have to re-focus, re-arrange our priorities, re-arrange the society, in order to go another way.

Q. Why is it that you say what is needed is more real communication between men and women and a re-definition of roles; why is it then that you're cutting yourself off from the world of men after Fresno State?

Because women aren't ready for a rea; dialogue with men. We'll come back. When we're strong and we have something to say and we know who we are and we can be ourselves, than we can have a dialogue. But not until we're in that kind of shape. Do you really think we're in that kind of shape?

Well, it's, uh, maybe not as, .......not as......

J.G.: I'm not. Are you? I'm not. Are you?
I mean...

J.G.: Can you not give in to a man?

No, admittedly I do, not as a ... ...necessarily every day of my life.

J.G.: That's the reason. It doesn't matter if it's every day. That's the reason.

Q. So you mean that a person should re-define their own role, until they're sure of it?

You see, we have a slave mentality. We have to get approval from men. See. As long as we have to get approval from men, we re-enforce the idea that they are really better than we are. We believe it. We believe it in our whole beings whether we, I mean you wouldn't ever say it to yourself that you believe it, but you do. We all do. Until we don't give a shit whether they like what we're doing or not like what we're doing, we can't have a dialogue, because they don't give a shit. And that's the truth and you know it. If you don't like it that your husband's moving somewhere, too bad, you can divorce him, but otherwise too bad. But we care profoundly all the time.

Any other questions?

Q. The only thing I see in this whole revolution as a re-definition of roles may not include the specifically male-female roles we have now. It's more leaning towards an idea of humanity, everybody's being a human being, not necessarily with a male-or-female image of themselves,