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Is it really? Well that's your problem. Your balls are your problem.

FIGHT: During which time Miss Gerowitz turned her back until men stopped shouting.

J.G.: Have you noticed the difference between the way the men are addressing me and the way the women are addressing me?

Q. Getting back to art, what do you believe is the role of traditional art history, like 20th Century American artists, in the role of a female art student's education, givem the fact that most 20th Century American art is by men?

I think the messgae is very heavy; it's "Like, forget it, baby!"

Q. In terms of a specific work which women can relate to.

J.G.: Oh, wait. Rephrase your question. I didn't understand.

Q. Like, what can a female art practise student gain from looking at the works of 20th Century men artists?

Well, you can learn, I mean, obviously you can learn a lot about perceptions of reality and, I mean that's the only history we have. However, I think you have to understand that it's biased history, and if you approach it with that point of view, then you can take what's worthwhile from it, which is a lot, I mean you learn, artists learn about making art from other artists; but you have to recognize the limitation in what it can help you do, and you have to fight against the underlying message, which is "This is the true reality."
There was another question in the back.

Q. Aren't you sometimes accused of being non-feminine or unfeminine when you become aggressive and assert yourself?

Uh-huh. I don't pay any attention to it, I think it's bullshit. It used to wipe me out, but not any more cause I know it's just a bunch of shit. Just another excuse why you shouldn't be human.

Q. What do you mean by feminine?

I don't have any definition. I think the whole concept of masculine-feminine is ridiculous. I'm a female because I have a cunt; men are men because they have cocks: that's it. However, it conditions your perceptions of reality; it conditions your perceptions of reality. Other than that it should have nothing to do with anything you want to do.

Q. How do you justify your marriage?