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Painter Hill Road
R.F.D. Roxbury,
Conn., U.S.A
Tel & Tel Woodbury 122-2

Dear Keith

It certainly is disgusting that you intend going so far afield without coming to see us. I hope you [[strikethrough]] didn't [[/strikethrough]] don't feel rebuffed by Louisa's failing to invite you to lunch the day we last saw you (here). She felt sure you would have invited yourselves if you had wanted to come. I felt differently, but she had already hung up. - If you feel badly about that, please forgive her, me, or us, and put us down on your itinerary! -- I really think there must be something to that idea - for you looked at farms in New Milford - and never even 'phoned us - and all the time there was, & is one next door to us, for sale!!!