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5. Rothschild Bank color from magazine - loaned, if approached etc.

American Embassy in Rabat might participate in printing expense if Charles made the catalogue available to them in time.

So would Brest Museum where I'll make a show in April-May.

Ada Del Negro should plug in to 220 volt circuit like us.


Oct. 13
TEE train Paris to Brussels

The man across the table is appropriately reading "MAIGRET" S'AMUSE

Dear Connie:

Another show: this time opening tomorrow in American Cultural Center organized by Amer. and Belgian cultural attachés. Big dinner party for me in the ancient place there. Pity you're not on board. It will be a gay (in the right sense) crowd. By now, you've rec'd the photos of the Rothschild Bank Wall - the Blue linen, tropical AQUARIUM, as it is coming to be called there, and also the October issue of Connaissance des Arts with the unexpected, consecration type article which took me by surprise.

I have your Sept. 27th letter. No Mealitives visited me, unfortunately.

Air France, 1st Class with tapestry, and Sofitel (Hotel entrance) will both be photographed finally this week. I'm trying my best to get GOOD documents for you and your book. JERKY train....

Splendid autumn....JOY to [[strikethrough]]t[[/strikethrough]] walk across Luxembourg Gardens, every morning delivering. I take Cristobal to school. I dreaded the prospect of it. Extra work - long hours - divided attentions etc. but I'm enjoying it.

The pace and perspective it brings to an otherwise COBWEB-BY life is helping me.North, on the compass is easier to find.

Life has a meaningful r o u t i n e andaccomodates [[and accommodates]] meaningful interludes like 2 or 3 day trips to Brussels or Tangiers or - to Prague (I went there again last month and spoke and projected slides at the Artist's Club.

They've invited me so often and published so many articles on my work, bought a tapestry for the National Museum ($2,000.00) (Kotalik sends his love, by the way). (M.M.A., N.Y. once paid me $100.00 for one, I think. (imagine) )

Really it seemed important to go over and give the small shot in the arm needed these days to the colleagues and friends. Anyway I had to dispose of the money within the country, so I invited everyone in sight to lunch and dinner and lived on a houseboat in the river downtown - gave party (with a Moroccan incidentally).

Transcription Notes:
Unsure how to indicate underlined words [I don't think underlined words need to be notified anymore]