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I think, eat, sleep Morocco these days as I'm up to my the Wall Rug project - supposedly for Chas. Slatkin from whom I've heard nothing.

     Goes without saying; I'm also up to commitments ($) producing 20 huge pieces down there and paying for them as I check them out of the workshops into RABAT.  I have Atelier des Grands Augustins, Paris, turning day and night and financing this "adventure" that's what it is.  Making 3 large panels for architect clients.

American Embassy plans shows for Morocco in February to give them maximum exposure in country of origin before they are exported.  I want this to happen because it is the only way to help LOCALLY bring about consciousness of new design, colors, techniques.  It is not a matter, for me, of simply exploiting inexpensive locale to produce for export.

     RIGHT?!! HEY, HEY.
     Nov. 7, 8, 9 and 14, 15, 16.  I'm conducting my "thread symposium" at The Royal College of Art in London.  Program reads:

     1.  Treating thread directly
     2.  Treating thread with 1 implement
     3.     "       "   ((")) 2 implements
     4.     "       "     "   multiple implements

Food keeps arriving in stages - lunch on train.

     I wanted Ruth Kaufman to turn over all the plastic stalks I exhibited in the show, to you, so you could say whether it was good to give to Charles or not.  If she didn't sell them, I didn't want them knocking around collecting dust.  What do you think?  How was her presentation?  Anything really new?

     Enclosed is a copy letter to A. Siegel another person actively entering into marketing tapestries.  I told her to give or expose or open her closet drawers to you so you could size that up.  She bought a few things from me.  I told her I could let nothing out on consignment because of prior N.Y. agreements (not mentioning exact details).  So she bought at prices I've determined higher than those I'll give Charles to protect his and my situation.  (non existent or one sided).  Siegel may be the person to show and market the Moroccan tapestries if Chas. lets me down.  Connie, crucial, tell me how you see things from your ring-side seat and with your X-Ray infra-red binoculars.

     24 little details - swallows flying around in the woods.  I'll leave for next letter.

     On 30th Oct. I fly to Rabat again.  4 days.

     Love with mint tea.


About Lausanne Biennale (is your transport forthcoming?)

     I proposed to Pauli and committee this year - in place of an object (to

Transcription Notes:
Some words that were underlined I couldn't underline in this document