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be hung on wall or from ceiling) an action to take place on mammoth approach stairway to museum the day of the vernissage - plastic threads blowing and weaving, a kind of Fete de Fils where I would supply all the raw, necessary materials and elbow grease and collaborators.

It seems to me that if the Biennale is to be alive and important it must accomodate and encourage iniative and I can hardly bring myself to work on another DUMB DRAMATICA  orphan tapestry for another BIENNALE. Pauli (in recent letter) thinks an act, a fete, is too short-lived. What do you think?

Something has as much meaning as you invest in it.

I've tried to work up some enthusiasm for the Lausanne summit thread conference but it (enthusiasm) is all drained or syphoned off into DEVIOUS other directions - HMM - and I am in favor of

open ended
give and take
participation, these days, thread,
tapestries are subject to this
just as much as light
and all the rest.

Perhaps I could weave plastic threads up and down and across the stairway and all weavers could cut their passage into the show or vice verse. Make a basic web and give thread to each to weave along the way. Symbolically this could all be glorious HOMAGE to weavers.