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April 23, 1976

Mme. Sheila Hicks
Atelier des Grands Augustins
30, rue Dauphine
Paris 75006

Dear Sheila:

I am so relieved that we did reach you the other morning because everybody has been complaining to me that they have written, called etc, and haven't made contact. Indeed, you will probably get a call from Joseph whochlaims (who claims) to have written you three letters with all kinds of instructions.

First of all, with regard to any shipment which you make whether for Joseph's job or the disc, please remember that together with an invoice you must also make a declaration that this work of art that you are sending out of Paris to the United States is the work of an American artist temporarily living abroad. All the necessary papers can be sent to W.R.Keating at Kennedy airport. Mr. Breiner has taken care of all such importations for me while I was at the Museum and since then whenever the need arose. He knows of you and your work, he has sworn documentation by me in his hands that you are who we say you are. All this started way back when the things came in for the wallhanging show so he is quite accustomed to handling these matters. In your covering letter you can say that it is for the ATT account and that Mildred Constantine should be contacted for delivery instructions. Hopefully, we can get the shipments cleared without bringing them into New York City.

The whole situation with Daniel was upsetting mostly because the letter which was written by M. Chaigneau was addressed to Stan. Now we have to convince Stan that the delay in Daniel's being able to finish his piece is simply due to the original delay in his starting it and not that Daniel wants to show the piece in Nantes. Fred and I think we can handle Stan but the problem is simply this. There is the first complete meeting of the board of ATT at the Basking site on Friday, July 16 and we are supposed to have everything installed by that time. My feeling is that you