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Art Fabric 

May 18, 1993
Ms. Sheila Hicks
1100 Park Avenue, #12D
New York, NY 10128

Dear Sheila,
As I promised, here is the Koudelka review.

I must say I smiled at the 1989 letter.  I can't imagine why all this 
has hung on so long.

What I can understand is her preference for Lissy Funk's piece (not
that I agree) because she did make it a kind of keynote when her new
galleries were opened.  You can imagine the eyebrow raising that went
on but then we mustn't forget, she is only reluctantly in the late 1900's.

After the visit last week I wrote her further about the fan shaped work
because I do want to get something in the collection that is not a ver-
tical or horizontal warp weft weaving.

I look forward to Boston with you.


Mildred Constantine

