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and changes in, the galleries and after discussion the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
RESOLVED that the Whitney Museum of American Art be closed to the public from July   to September   , 1936, in order to facilitate the work required to be done in and about the galleries.
At the request of the President the Treasurer submitted his report of the financial transactions of the trustees of the Whitney Museum of American Art from the creation of the trust on November 27th, 1935 until the organization meeting of the incorporated Whitney Museum Of American Art held on March 10th, 1936, and of the transactions of the said incorporated Museum from March 10th, 1936 to June 30th, 1936, and after examination and discussion the report was accepted and approved and the Secretary was directed to incorporate a copy of the same in the minutes of this meeting. The President then stated that the company's auditors had requested that the certain expenses of operating the premises, Nos. 8, 10,12 and 14 West Eighth Street should be apportioned between the Museum, as tenant, and herself, as landlord, and that they recommended that the cost of fire, plate glass, general and public liability insurance and the cost of heating, light, power and water for the entire premises be borne and paid two-thirds by the tenant and one-third by the landlord, and she thereupon placed the matter before the meeting and resigned the Chair in favor of Mrs. Force. After full discussion and consideration, Mrs. Whitney not voting, the following preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted:
WHEREAS, under date of November 27th, 1935, Gertrude