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Mrs. G.M.M -2- February 3rd,1937.

$145,000. Our estimate had been that the ordinary operations of the Museum, on a scale substantially as the present operations are conducted, including the purchase of $20,000 of words of art annually,, would be less than $100,000. An analysis of the figures showed that this estimate was not far out of the way. Last year, instead of paying $20,000 for works of art, we paid $30,000 so that this year we shall only expend $10,000 in purchases. Last year, the entire insurance for three and five years was charged at the amount of $12,000, so that item will be entirely eliminated this year. Last year structural repairs were $11,000 and the expenses of incorporating, including legal, building department, and architects' expenses, were $10,000. In other words, a "break down" of the expenses showed that we ought to get through 1937 on less than $100,000. 
Mrs. Whitney has been paying $15,000 and the Museum $15,00 to Mrs. Force because she did not wish the other employees to know how much she was getting. The results was that the $15,000 which Mrs. Whitney paid Mrs. Force was taken out of Mrs. Whitney's taxable income which meant that it took $45,000 income to pay Mrs. Force $15,000 because the other $30,000 went to the government in taxes. Therefore, we raised Mrs. Forces salary from the Museum to