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On motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously RESOLVED that the foregoing minute of the meeting of the Trustees of the Metropolitan Museum of Art be adopted as the expression of the sentiments of the Trustees of this Museum and that the Secretary be and he hereby is directed to notify the proper officers of the Metropolitan Museum of Art that their minute has been made part of the records of this meeting.
The meeting thereupon proceeded with the business of electing a Trustee to fill the vacancy in the Board of Trustees and Mr. G Macculloch Miller, who was present, was nominated and unanimously elected a Trustee of the Corporation to serve for the remainder of the term left vacant by the death of Mrs. Whitney and until the election and qualification of his successor. Thereafter Mr. Miller joined in the deliberations and actions of the meeting as a Trustee. 
Mr. Crocker then stated that it was necessary to elect a President of the Museum and nominated Mrs. Flora Whitney Miller for this office. No other nominations being made, her nomination was duly seconded, and, on ballots being duly cast, Mrs. Flora Whitney Miller was unanimously elected President of the Whitney Museum of American Art and thereupon took the chair as such President.