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Manhattan, City, County, and State of New York, now occupied by the Founder as a gallery and exhibition rooms, for paintings, statuary and other works of art, under the name of [[underline]] "WHITNEY MUSEUM OF AMERICAN ART"; [[/underline]] which said lease shall run for the term of ten years at a rental of One Dollar ($1.00) per year.

3. Twenty thousand (20,000) shares of Common "B" stock of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, which is of the present market value of approximately One million, one hundred and twenty thousand Dollars ($1,120,000), and the income form which is Sixty thousand Dollars ($60,000) per year.

4. One hundred thousand Dollars ($100,000) in cash.

[[underline]] TO HAVE AND TO HOLD [[/underline]] the same and the proceeds and avails thereof unto the parties of the second part, and the survivors and survivor of them, and their, his or her successors, and successor, [[underline]] IN TRUST, [[/underline]] nevertheless, to and for the following uses and purposes, that is to say:
