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c/o John Field 113 S. Trenchard St.
Yonkers N.Y.
'Phone 6203 - J.

Tues. Evening April 14th 1925

Dear Alfred;

When I arrived at "Journy's End" yesterday afternoon, everything began to go on so much like a Seriel that I could not help wondering how Saterday's [[strikethrough]] episadent [[/strikethrough]] episode went in Santa Fe' - & I've had no time to write since dropping off the train at Yonkers Station with my grips at 3 P.M.

Took trolley to Kimbal Ave & had no reason to think I had been recognized or reported by any in the car - but of course there was a chance of it, or especially that I may have been seen at Bruggemann's corner through the car window.

Walked straight to Fields with my