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[[note]] Ritter [[/note]]

Nassau 28th June 1819

My dear Mrs. Gibson,

It was with pleasure I received yours of the 2nd May and was happy to find that you and your Dear little children were in good health and hope by this time that you & children are safe arrived at your Jorneys end, and injoying the pleasure of seeing your Mother & family all in good health. I was very sorry that I had not the pleasure of seeing you the morning you left Nassau. I was so very unwell that I was not down stares untill the Sunday after you started. I can not say I feel well far from it the distress of my mind dayly increases and is the cause of my Complaining. I thank God all the rest of our family are well. We have seen Mr. Gibson every Day since you left Nassau I think he has been a good boy. He asked to leave us today at 12 o'clock we shall miss him very much. I hope you may all have the pleasure to meet in good health. My kind respects to your mother and family. Kiss Elizabeth and Edward for me and conclude wishing you all Health and Happiness.

Yrs truly
Abigail Ritter