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Troy July 25th. 1837

Dear Mother

I have but a few minutes to write as I am just preparing to go to the mill for a few days. The children are both well, Longworth has had a little of the bowel complaint but has got quite well again I suppose it was caused from change of water, he bothered me a good deal as I was quite sick myself I have not got much if any better of that said pain. I have been taking the pills and think after a while I shall be better, I have wished a dozen times that I had left the baby home with you, he has bothered me so much about his "Goma" every time I fret him he threatens me with you- Benjamin has been very sick indeed. I did not think he would live he had something like spasms in his stomach. he was quite stiff and cold [[hole in page]] it was with the greatest dificulty that we got him over [[hole in page]] is much better now and I am in hopes he will continue so. 

Sarah Morris is here and you may be sure I was not a little disapointed at seeing her, it was quite unexpected- I thought after what she told me that she had given up coming here  I should have given it up myself rather than to have such a housefull she brought Henry and the baby and there no less than twelve in family so that Catherine had to hunt the country over for a girl to help her  She has one now, I should have been home if they would have let me come but C would not hear to it  she said I had come first I should stay till Hiram came for me, I dont think C liked Sarahs coming while I was here, though I never heard her say one word about it, I only think so. I have not had one word since from any of you since I came I wrote home the next Monday