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Studio Memorandum - H.

Divisions of The Human Figure in Length

From the os pubis to the top of the head - one half the entire length.

There are three equal divisions from the acromion of the scapula to the bottom of the inner ankle.

First from the acromion to the point in the spine of the ilium from which the rectus and sartorius muscles begin.

Second from thence to the center top of the patella - From the bottom of the pubis to the bottom of the patella is the same length as from the bottom of the patella to the sole of the foot. Two heads each; but, we must observe the ancients generally allowed half a nose or more to the length of the lower limbs, exceeding the length of the body and head.

From the top of the humerous to the bend of the arm 1 head and 1/2.

From the bend of the arm to the first knuckle, 1 head 1/2


Shoulders 2 heads - [[crossed out]] Loins [[/crossed out]] 1 head and 1 nose (5 noses) across the hips 1 head 2 noses or a head and 1/2.


Chest 1 head 4 minutes. Loins 3 noses and a 1/3. Glutae 1 head. Breadth of the thigh 3 noses, calf 2 noses  

Ankle 1 nose foot 1 head and 1/3 of a nose long

Breath of upper arm front view 1 nose and 1/2 side view 2 noses. Lower arm thickest part 1 nose 1/2 wrist 1 nose -

Taken from Flaxmans Lectures ~ !

Transcription Notes:
. sartorius muscle is a superficial muscle in the anterior thigh