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1841~                           1
October 20th  began a bust of Mr Cornelius Lowe Low. finished settings on the 27th price without drapery 400 francesconi~ paid on the bust 55 Napoleons~ Obligated to deliver the bust in New York to Mssrs Goodhue & Co. to the care of Mr Augustus F. Flemming No 71 Leonard Street, gave a receipt for the money and noted, that I am not to pay freight on the bust after it leaves Leghorn, promised to have it done in six months.

Mr Lows address in Paris from January to April will be - care of Willis & Co. Promised to acquaint him with the progress of the work.

Notes 55 Napoleons are less than 200 dollars Tuscan -by 47 1/2 pauls ~

Must see Milani about a copy of the magdalen in the Gallery - small, say fifteen inches square - for Mr Low wishes to hear about - will be in Rome a month or more, if possible wishes to have it sent to him there, otherwise, to Paris - must write to him about it,

[[left margin]] Nor understand that I am to receive in all 400 francs. here [[/left margin]]