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Oct 28th 1841 Calvert.
Told Mr Calvert that a copy of the Eve would cost $4,500. Greek Captive $3000. Fisher Boy $1500-. Mr C wishes to write to Mr Law of Baltimore about these works.

Nov 1st Harrison.
Mrs Harrison's bust - delivered to Mr Lowe to be sent to England - pack'd it myself.

Nov 1st Parker Bust of Mr John Parker - began in clay.

2d. Rec'd on the above fraicisconi - 200.

3d Hidele. Bust of Mr Hidele. Rimigio. began in marble.
3d Granger. Paid Remigio - 70 fraicisconi in full for Granger.

3d Paid Remigio 40 fraicisconi on Ideal of van Rensselear

[[strikethrough]] 1 [[/strikethrough]] 9. Fantacciotte began the drapery on Mr Pristvas bust.

17 Hidele. Rec'd a letter from Mr Hidele about six copies of his bust, cast in plaster and to be sent to Commodore Perry US Navy yard [[V Torso?]]

18. Tantasciotta did not work

19 Urquhart. Paid the carrier to Leghorn, baling included 1.1/2 & wrote to Hollenquer about the bust.

26 Coleman. paid Rocche for a column in variegated marble. $40. 
For three pedestals masculine. at 16 paolos each. 48.
For one large masculine at 16 paolos each. 20.
Stephens -Via della Scala. No 4272.

Transcription Notes:
line that says 2d--pancinconi? panrirconi? pancirconi? looks italian -- fraicisconi plural of fraiciscone (Italian coin) panciconi came up as a last name on Google, so I assume it's a last name?