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Jan. 26 Milani. Paid Milani for two copies, one of the Madonna della Loggiota, Luigi 25. and one of the Madelena of Carlo Leolci Luigi 10. in all francisconi. 147.

26  JT Preston. Wrote to Col JT Preston.

26  Nan Kinneston. Wrote to her same day

28.  Welles & Grene. Wrote to them about letters, which may possibly remain in the Post office at Havre. for Mr. Kellogg Clevenger, and myself. told them to look for us in future. charge all to me, but send separate accounts. asked them to correct me, if in error in regard to the reported new arrangement about letters sent to French ports.

Feb.1. Remigio  Paid him * up to this date. on the ideal bust. & m * 61$ all. including 24 given to Paldo. some time ago. 85 francs ni.

1. Fautacciotti.  Paid him 20 francs. ni. Still due him the same. amount.

1. Wilde.  Wrote to him - care of Hon. Wm C. Preston.
Wm.C. Preston  to whom I wrote two days ago --

2d Weller & Greene.  Wrote to them enclosing a bill from Plowden D. French for 58 paolos [[?]], for commission in letter. also a note from Plowden, about a former payment. 

2d Ferozi  borrowed of them 100 francisconi