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[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Feb.4.1842. | Rocchi. |  paid him francisconi for a small statue of a cupid after Thorvaldsen sold to Mr Homer. | 108.2. |
| 5. | Granger.|  wrote to him about his bust. |   |
| 5. | Formatory. | paid him 4-5 pPaolos for week and plaster. |   |
| 7. | Reilly | wrote to him about Ben. coming here &c. |   |
| 8. | Formatori |  advanced him 7 francisconi |   |
| 9. | Renugio. | Give Renugio 24 francisconi for the hand of Pauls little daughter son. not indebted to him for anything else, now at work on the bust of Parish, on which nothing has yet been paid. |   |
| 13.|  Tongwerll. | Wrote to him about Kellogg -a nd about The Ideal Bust. bito biti &c. |   |
| 13. | Fenzi. | borrowed one hundred francisconi. | $100 |
| 13. | Gantflo | Enclosed a letter from Kellogg to his father to their care. |   |
| 13. | Fantacastle. | paid him up to this date. -(Saturday-) | $.30 |
| 15. | Geo W. Wales.|  wrote to him about a cast of Eve for the Boston atheneum requested by I.P. Davis - said cost would not exceed actual expenses. would write to Mr. Davis after making cast of it &c &c ~ |   |
| 15. | Renugio. | finished his work on the bust of Mr Parish and commenced on that of Mr. Everett ~ |   |
| 21st | Parker. | wrote to him in Naples for money. Told him his bust was blocked out-spotten. would be done, soon as possible ~ |   |