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[[right margin]] Preston [[/right margin]]

[[5 columned table]]

| 1843 April | 3. | Baby.| A little son born this morning at 1/2 past 12 oclock |   |
|   | 3 | TB Greene. &Co- Plowden & French | paid to Plowden & French my postage account with T.B. Green & Co. /P & F promised to settle the old act for 1840 - which had already been paid them.| 12. |
|   | 3 | Fenzi & co.| deposited with them the 50 pounds from Mr E.L. Pary. |   |
|   |   |   | Drew. 100 francesconi | 100. |
|   | 3 | Blocks for Pointing Machine | paid for a block or slab of marble | 10. |
|   | 3 | Ideal. Bust. | began an ideal bust for Mr Pary.|   | 
|   | 4th | TB Green & co. | Wrote to them. Told them that Plowden & French had again promised to settle the account for 1839-1840, but if they should fail to do so within a reasonable time, to tell me of it. told them to send no letters directed to others through my hands and theirs.|   | 
|   | 6 | Comet. | disappeared three days ago. |   |
|   | 7. | Messrs Brown, Ripley & Co Liverpool | wrote to them about the 50 pounds from Mr E L Pary. |   |
|   |   | Magri.| paid him 10 dollars | 10 |