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[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Jan. 26 | Milani. | paid Milani for two copies one of the Madonna della Loggeola Luigi 25 and one of the Madelena of Carlo Leolci Luigi. 10. in all franciscone [[?]]| 147.- | 

| 26 | TL Preston. | Wrote to Col TL Preston. |   |

| 26 | Nan Renneslar. | Wrote to her same day - |   |

| 28. | Welles J Grene |  Wrote to them about letters, which may possibly remain in the Post office at Havre. for Mr Kellogg [[Chonger??]], and myself, told them to look for us in future - charge all to me, but send separate accounts. asked them to correct me, if in error in regard to the report a new arrangement about letters sent to French ports. - |   |

| Feb.1. | Remigio | Paid him * up to this date. on the Ideal bust. x in * 61$  all including 24 given to Paldo. sometime ago. | 85 francis (ni |

| 1. | Fantacciotti. | Paid him 20 francisni. Still due him the same. amount. |   |

| 1. | Wilde | wrote to him - care of Hon: Wm C. Preston. Wm C. Preston to whom I wrote two days ago ~|   |

| 2d | Welles O Greene | wrote to them enclosing a bill from Plowden I. French for 58 Paolas 7 [[?]] - for commission on letters. also a note from Plowden, about a former payment. |   |

| 2d | Ferozi | borrowed of them: 100 francisconi - |   |