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[[5 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| May 1843 | 18. | Remigio | left work yesterday on Eve. and began to finish Mrs Ward bust |  |

|   |  | Bistorini | began hair of Eve - |  |

|  | 19. | Mask. Murphy | took a mask from face of Mr Murphy dec'd- |  |

|  |  | Mr Vail. | saw Mr Vail (former minister to Spain) he thought my work should go to America & asked the price of Slave & Eve ~ |  |

|  |  | Millingen. | lives at 1696 Bis Casa Guicciardini Piazza di Pitti is in from 3 till 5 in the day. and every evening. except Thursdays and Saturdays |  |

|  | 22. | Remigio. | felt too ill to work. and went home. |  |

|   |  | Rollers. | bought four pulleys. (at store near the market.) for rollers. Cost 9 Pauls ½ |  |

| H | 24. | Parker. | wrote to him. reasons. about column send it by first vessel direct to Boston remarks about [[]] patronage &c should not return soon. prospects from Europeans - &c. |   |

|  | 25 | Dappa. | paid me for 2 stools and other expenses. | 13.6 |

|  | 25 | Bakers | paid for rotters for stool. 2 francesconi | 2 |

|  | 25 | Kellogg. | portage. 1½ pauls. screws &c for box. 20 Craz. |  |

|  |  | Dappa. | for oil cloth 18. pauls— |  |

|  | 27. | Kellogg. | sent off his letter to Venice. |  |

Transcription Notes:
"Pauls" - I think refers to an old italian coin called "Paolo" 'r' at beginning of a word often resembles an 's'