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[[4 column table]]

| 6 | Rocchi | Including 210 american dollars. The entire charge of Rocchi against me am'nts to. . present from Miller of 3 Nap'ns | 
275.9-0 |

|---| Holland. | Answered his letter told him I would begin the duplicate soon as other engagements would permit proposed a small low crescent for head
ornament.- |---|

| 7. | Rocchi. | owe him nothing now. former accounts all settled— |---|

| 7. | Packenham &co. | drew of them (Rocchi) francesconi 265 fran'ni 2 pauls - 4 craz | 265.2.4 |

|---| Miller. | owes me for Grants acct. on the monument. 

|---| Siena. | Casa Granocche. an English Gentleman. invited me to call on him an [[and]] lodge at his house. Good Fellow. |---|

|---| Constantino Vanciata | Cechi. priest at the Vanciata |---|

|---| Calhoun. | began draping on Statue on the 6th mrt— |---|

| 12. | Cappelle. | paid him 10 francesconi | 10— |

| 12. | Fisher Boy. | Poldo finished blocking out on the 13th |---|